A 'non-9-5 desk job' ambivert geek who chooses her own audience, Sonali loves sharing stories and finding the corners where humanity still exists! She believes that every individual's story is unique and special. She loves writing about the untouched and unspoken segments of society. When not writing, you can find her listening to someone's stories or playing with dogs. Sonali values mental health and encourages people to speak their heart out! Check her thoughts at www.theobstinategirl.com

Switching to a Menstrual Cup? This Lady Will Tell You How to Ace It!

Switching to a Menstrual Cup? This Lady Will Tell You How to Ace It!

Did you ever think of all the environmental and financial waste that you have been doing along with the constant need of changing pads?


Did You Know That The World Could Have Been 3 Billion Fewer People? Here’s How!

As we continue to grapple with the global pandemic, our beloved ‘aadhi aabadi’ is getting more impacted negatively — in every possible way. Here’s what we can do to improve their condition and tackle the problem of unsustainable population growth!


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Switching to a Menstrual Cup? This Lady Will Tell You How to Ace It!

Switching to a Menstrual Cup? This Lady Will Tell You How to Ace It!

I always shuddered at the idea of using a menstrual cup!  For someone like me who has PCOS, super irregular menstrual cycle and unpredictably heavy ...

Foods to Avoid and Choose in PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) typically causes a rise in insulin in the blood. Insulin helps control blood glucose levels by signaling the liver and muscle ...

Did You Know That The World Could Have Been 3 Billion Fewer People? Here’s How!

Did you know that if every woman had access to secondary education, the world would have been 3 billion fewer people?! Okay, do you know ...

Meet Niketa And Poovayya, Teenagers Providing Sanitary Kits To Migrant Women Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

After the Centre enforced the nationwide lockdown on March 25, two Bangalore based teenagers were firstly excited at the thought of board exams getting postponed. ...

Digital schooling a cause of tribulation for children and a load for mothers

“Digital schooling in the Internet age means teaching tomorrow skills today.” Digital schooling: where about! Integrating technology in digital education is a complex issue taking ...

Here’s why COVID-19 Crisis Could result in more Child Marriages & Female Genital Mutilation

UNFPA claimed that an additional 13 million girls could be married off and two million more could undergo FGM in the next decade, beyond what ...